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Re: - Post your Feature Requests in this thread -

Post by AdamStepinski »


to add comments why you added certain fields to AutoSave.

For example you enable SpriteRenderer.color & .sprite and you write comment "Because [this unit-generation asset I imported from AssetStore] uses .color and .sprite

Or if you created a field inside script only for some post-load initialization, then you comment it "needed for post-load initialization, don't disable"

Or you put comment in root of prefab variant "this is prefab variant. autosave functions are enabled in prefab base, don't enable autoSave for this prefab variant"
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Re: - Post your Feature Requests in this thread -

Post by Joel »

Thanks for the clarification.

As this is the first time this has been requested I've added a feature request for this here:

In the meantime you could add the comments to the ES3Type files in Easy Save 3/Types, and manually modify your ES3Type file rather than using the Types pane.

All the best,
Joel @ Moodkie Interactive
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Re: - Post your Feature Requests in this thread -

Post by AdamStepinski »

Thank you for everything, I don't know if it's a feature request or a bug:

Support for nested prefabs and prefab versions

If you create a prefab and then add a prefab child to it, then if you enable AutoSave for both prefab and prefab child, and click Refresh in ES3RefernceMgr, ES3ReferenceMgr and AutoSave window shows two "prefab child" prefabs; then only one works in AutoSave window

This is less about implementing nested prefabs and prefab versions, and more about showing fewer prefab references in ES3RefernceMgr and allowing developers to change original prefabs only

Also, if you create prefab, enable AutoSave, and then create versions of that prefab, all versions + original prefab become visible in AutoSave window (after clicking refresh in ES3RefernceMgr). Then you can change fields separately for different prefab versions and for original prefab and it might lead to problems; the solution seems to be to to hide all prefab versions references from ES3RefernceMgr

UPDATE: I moved from AutoSave to manually saving, so this polite feature request is no longer. I leave it here for sake of documentation
Last edited by AdamStepinski on Fri May 07, 2021 8:12 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: - Post your Feature Requests in this thread -

Post by AdamStepinski »

I promise it's the last thing :), more about UI than functionality:

Ability to open AutoSave window by "Manage Auto Save Settings" button from ES3Prefab script; not only from E3AutoSave (that would speed things up as you enable AutoSave for prefabs > and you can start defining fields right away from button on prefab file).

Also, now clicking "Manage Auto Save Settings" goes to AutoSave > Scene, it could detect if button click originated from prefab and go to AutoSave > Prefabs immediately (ideally with clicked prefab expanded / at top of scroll list)

I really like AutoSave asset, just want to see it grow into a big-projects ready asset with thousands of prefabs and things to save

PS. the last addition would be adding option to disable prefab for Autosave (when you right click in project, there is only option for enabling prefabs)

UPDATE: I add two more things, too small for another post (I feel like spamming hehe):
-when you select GO in hierarchy > viewed type in Type window should change to selected GO
-make this forum easier to find, the only way is going to https://docs.moodkie.com/product/easy-save-3/ (google result when you google "easy save documentation") > Examples and Tutorials > "on the forums here" link and change from tutorials forum to general one. I reccomend putting link to forum on https://docs.moodkie.com/product/easy-save-3/
Last edited by AdamStepinski on Sat May 08, 2021 9:36 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: - Post your Feature Requests in this thread -

Post by Joel »

Hi there,

Because the ES3Prefab Component isn't only used for Auto Save, adding this button to the Component is likely to cause confusion.

Regarding disabling the prefab for Auto Save, I'll see about adding this to our work stack. In the meantime you can remove the ES3Prefab Component to do this.

All the best,
Joel @ Moodkie Interactive
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Re: - Post your Feature Requests in this thread -

Post by LoneDev »

would be nice to have an alternative to Json serialization since it's extremely slow.
This one seems amazingly fast: https://github.com/neuecc/MessagePack-CSharp

Let me know, have a nice day
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Re: - Post your Feature Requests in this thread -

Post by Joel »

Hi there,

We have a feature request for binary formatting here:

In the meantime I recommend you take a look at the improving performance guide, as the cost of formatting the data is actually neglible in comparison to the cost of opening the FileStream to store the data and is unlikely to make any noticeable difference in performance:
https://docs.moodkie.com/easy-save-3/es ... rformance/

All the best,
Joel @ Moodkie Interactive
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Re: - Post your Feature Requests in this thread -

Post by nFighter »

To be honest, ES already is the best tool for anyone who uses Playmaker!
But as a person who literally uses EasySave every day let me share my experience regarding one common task: saving and loading multiple variables from one file. You rarely need just one variable, I most cases you want more, so your FSM state looks like this:

and with the open actions, it becomes a really loooong list that is very hard to use. Here, I can see only 2 values in the window.

It would be a real gamechanger if we could have actions for SaveMany and LoadMany that will do the same job but will rather look like the HashTableSetMany action. Here, I can see 5 key/value pairs in one action in the same size window, really easy to read. And you need to enter the file details only once, no need to repeat it for every variable.

PS. I am aware of LoadAll actions, but it can be used only in some rare, very special cases. It doesn't fit the regular loading/saving tasks.
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Re: - Post your Feature Requests in this thread -

Post by Joel »

nFighter wrote: Fri Oct 22, 2021 6:11 am To be honest, ES already is the best tool for anyone who uses Playmaker!
But as a person who literally uses EasySave every day let me share my experience regarding one common task: saving and loading multiple variables from one file. You rarely need just one variable, I most cases you want more, so your FSM state looks like this:

and with the open actions, it becomes a really loooong list that is very hard to use. Here, I can see only 2 values in the window.

It would be a real gamechanger if we could have actions for SaveMany and LoadMany that will do the same job but will rather look like the HashTableSetMany action. Here, I can see 5 key/value pairs in one action in the same size window, really easy to read. And you need to enter the file details only once, no need to repeat it for every variable.

PS. I am aware of LoadAll actions, but it can be used only in some rare, very special cases. It doesn't fit the regular loading/saving tasks.
Thanks for the suggestion.

I've been having an experiment today and this is indeed possible, and will be added in the next update. In the meantime I'll private message over an update the update, which includes a Save Multiple and Load Multiple action.

All the best,
Joel @ Moodkie Interactive
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Re: - Post your Feature Requests in this thread -

Post by nFighter »

Joel wrote: Sat Oct 30, 2021 10:56 am
I've been having an experiment today and this is indeed possible, and will be added in the next update. In the meantime I'll private message over an update the update, which includes a Save Multiple and Load Multiple action.
Wow, that was extremely fast! Thanks a lot for your support! <3 <3 <3
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