Compiler errors

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Compiler errors

Post by Seiryu32 »

This has been something of an ongoing problem. Trying to build for UWP but keep getting the following errors:
Assets/Playmaker/Actions/ES2playmaker.cs(34,18): error CSO246: the type or namespace 'ES2Settings' could not be found. Are you missing an assembly reference?
Assets/Playmaker/Actions/ES2playmaker.cs(59,19): error CSO246: the type or namespace 'ES2Settings' could not be found. Are you missing an assembly reference?
Assets/Playmaker/Actions/ES2playmaker.cs(247,13): error CSO246: the type or namespace 'ES2Web' could not be found. Are you missing an assembly reference?
Assets/Playmaker/Actions/ES2playmaker.cs(4970,10): error CSO246: the type or namespace 'ES2Spreadsheet' could not be found. Are you missing an assembly reference?

Any idea what's going on? Aborts the build everytime.
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Re: Compiler errors

Post by Joel »

Hi there,

It sounds like the UWP plugin is missing, or the Asset Store has imported them without their platform settings set.

Manually removing Easy Save and reimporting from the Asset Store should fix your problem. To manually remove Easy Save, remove the following:
  • Any files named ES2 or MoodkieSecurity in the following folders (if they exist):
    • Assets/Plugins/
    • Assets/Plugins/WP8/
    • Assets/Plugins/WSA/
    • Assets/Plugins/UWP/
  • Assets/Plugins/Editor/ES2Editor.dll
  • Everything in Assets/Easy Save 2/ except the Types folder and Resources folder
You should also back up your project before doing this.

If this does not solve your problem, try selecting each of the plugin files in Assets/Plugins/ and it's subfolders (if they exist) and ensure that the correct platform is set in the plugin's inspector pane. Note that the plugins in the top-level of Assets/Plugins/ should be set to all platforms except UWP.

All the best,
Joel @ Moodkie Interactive
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Re: Compiler errors

Post by Snoopy »

I'm seeing the same errors on Unity 5.6.1f with version Easy Save v2.7.1p2. All the plugins in the inspector look like they the correct settings. The Plugins\WSA\ES2 is target WSAPlayer

It seems the fix is to change the Project Settings | Player | Api compat level from .NET 2.0 to .NET 4.6.
Is .NET 4.6 required for UWP?
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Re: Compiler errors

Post by Joel »

Hi there,

I'm not sure if this is a bug at Unity's end or intended behaviour in 5.6.

Easy Save uses a native UWP DLL for its UWP functionality, but as its a DLL it's already compiled, so should not be affected by Unity's compilation options.

I currently cannot find anything in Unity's documentation which says that UWP requires the entire project to be manually set to .NET 4.6, and this was not a requirement before Unity 5.6.

I'll get in touch with Unity as see if they can provide me with some more information.

All the best,
Joel @ Moodkie Interactive
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Re: Compiler errors

Post by Seiryu32 »

Re-imported the package, checked in the import setting and clicked everything on. Still getting the same errors. What am I missing?
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Re: Compiler errors

Post by Joel »

Seiryu32 wrote:Re-imported the package, checked in the import setting and clicked everything on. Still getting the same errors. What am I missing?
Hi there,

Did you try setting the build target to 4.6 as suggested in Snoopy's post?

I'm still waiting for a response from Unity regarding whether this is a bug at their end or not.

UPDATE: I've managed to get a bit more information. Apparently if using the IL2CPP backend with UWP platforms, due to limitations at Unity's end for native plugins to be compiled you need to manually set the build target to .NET 4.6, otherwise it will try to compile it against .NET 3.5 which is not compatible with UWP plugins.

All the best,
Joel @ Moodkie Interactive
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Re: Compiler errors

Post by Seiryu32 »

To be fair UWP is fairly new so I guess they haven't fully integrated it yet. Really buggy. I had to re-open my project in another file with only my assets and re-install all my plugins.
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Re: Compiler errors

Post by Seiryu32 »

Well that problem was resolved but now I'm having problems building the app. If I understand the process you have to import the project solution Unity kicks out once it builds into Visual Studio. I did that but when I hit Build I get this error:

Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State
Error The command ""C:\Users\Wyvern\Documents\DragonsBe\Build\Unity\Tools\AssemblyConverter.exe" -platform=uap -lock="C:\Users\Wyvern\Documents\DragonsBe\Build\Dragons-Be\project.lock.json" -bits=64 -configuration=Master -removeDebuggableAttribute=True -uwpsdk=10.0.15063.0 -path="." -path="C:\Program Files\Unity\Editor\Data\PlaybackEngines\MetroSupport\Players\UAP\dotnet\x64\Master" "C:\Users\Wyvern\Documents\DragonsBe\Build\Dragons-Be\Assembly-CSharp-firstpass.dll" "C:\Users\Wyvern\Documents\DragonsBe\Build\Dragons-Be\Assembly-CSharp.dll" "C:\Users\Wyvern\Documents\DragonsBe\Build\Dragons-Be\Assembly-UnityScript-firstpass.dll" "C:\Users\Wyvern\Documents\DragonsBe\Build\Dragons-Be\UnityEngine.dll" "C:\Users\Wyvern\Documents\DragonsBe\Build\Dragons-Be\nunit.framework.dll" "C:\Users\Wyvern\Documents\DragonsBe\Build\Dragons-Be\UnityEngine.UI.dll" "C:\Users\Wyvern\Documents\DragonsBe\Build\Dragons-Be\UnityEngine.Networking.dll" "C:\Users\Wyvern\Documents\DragonsBe\Build\Dragons-Be\ES2.dll" "C:\Users\Wyvern\Documents\DragonsBe\Build\Dragons-Be\PlayMaker.dll" "C:\Users\Wyvern\Documents\DragonsBe\Build\Dragons-Be\ConditionalExpression.dll" "C:\Users\Wyvern\Documents\DragonsBe\Build\Dragons-Be\MoodkieSecurity.dll"" exited with code 1. Dragons-Be C:\Users\Wyvern\Documents\DragonsBe\Build\Dragons-Be\Dragons-Be.csproj 285

Being a novice programmer, I have no clue what's causing it, but it's got something to do with MoodkieSecurity.dll. Did I miss something in the build process? How do i fix this?
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Re: Compiler errors

Post by Joel »

Hi there,

This error message does not actually specify any specific DLL. If you take a closer look at it, it lists all of the DLLs in your project as it's showing the command used to build your project rather than an error log targeting a specific DLL.

Because Unity provides no indication of what causes build errors (thanks Unity), you will first want to try working out if it is indeed Easy Save causing the error. First, try removing Easy Save using the instructions in the second post in this thread and reinstalling from the Asset Store. If this doesn't solve the problem, you will want to try removing Easy Save from your project and building to see if it is indeed Easy Save causing the error.

If the error still occurs, ensure that the ES2.dll and MoodkieSecurity.dll plugins in Assets/Plugins/ have their platforms set correctly in the Inspector. The ES2.dll and MoodkieSecurity.dll at the top-level should be enabled for all platforms except the UWP platforms. The DLLs in the sub-folders of Plugins should be disabled for everything except the platform their folder relates to.

If this does not fix your issue, you will need to contact Unity so that they can provide more information on the error as unfortunately they do not give us the tools to debug any further.

All the best,
Joel @ Moodkie Interactive
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Re: Compiler errors

Post by Seiryu32 »

I did notice I was getting errors similar to this during the build process:
Reference Rewrite found some errors while running command --target="Temp\StagingArea\Assembly-CSHarp-firstpass.dll"

It doesn't stop the build so it's not a critical error but I wonder if that might be why the solution won't build? Has anyone else had problems building to UWp with Playmaker and EasySave2?