Reference manager question

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Reference manager question

Post by Oxeren »

Hi! I've switched to ES3 recently and it has been pretty awesome.
I have relatively big scenes and ES3 Reference Mgr contains quite a lot of references and it feels like references update somewhat increases the time it takes to enter play mode. I don't need references to scene objects in my game save logic, but it's quite useful to be able to save references to scriptable objects and prefabs without having to implement my own solution like I did with ES2. So is/will there be a way to manage what references Reference managers keeps, or maybe manage how it triggers the update to, say, only do it manually and on build?
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Re: Reference manager question

Post by Joel »

Hi there,

In the latest update there's a checkbox in Window > Easy Save 3 > Settings named Auto Update References which will stop automatic updating from happening. If this checkbox doesn't exist, PM me your invoice number and I'll send you the update, as it may not have propagated to the Asset Store yet.

You can then go to the Easy Save 3 Manager in your scene and press Refresh References to manually update the reference list.

All the best,
Joel @ Moodkie Interactive
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Re: Reference manager question

Post by aholla »


I also want to ask a question about this... I'm doing basic saving but using EasySave so I get extra features like vectors etdc...

I've run into some memory problems and when profiling it found it it was easy save. It has references to files not even in my scene.

How can i run it without these references? Ive unchecked the box and ive tried to remove the component but its still stere and fill of stuff.



ps. is EasySave 2 a better option? `i thought 3 would be better
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Re: Reference manager question

Post by Joel »

Hi Adam,

To disable this you can go to Window > Easy Save 3 > Settings and uncheck Automatically Update References. You will also need to delete the Easy Save 3 Manager (it will automatically re-generate, which is normal) to remove the existing references from the manager. If saving references, you will also need to delete your existing save data.

Note that you can still manually add references to the ES3ReferenceMgr of the Easy Save 3 Manager GameObject by dragging them into the References array.

There's a bug in Unity's dependency collector which after quite a few months of back and forth with them it appears that they're not interested in fixing. So in the upcoming update automatic reference updating will be removed, and will be providing the ability to choose what gets added to the reference manager.

Also just to clarify, you should use Easy Save 3 as Easy Save 2 is only included for legacy purposes.

All the best,
Joel @ Moodkie Interactive
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Re: Reference manager question

Post by teq »

Hi there! I've unchecked option for auto opulation references, but from build to build in continue add references to ES3 manager and increase scene size.
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Re: Reference manager question

Post by Joel »

Hi there,

That's unusual. Are you definitely using the latest version of Easy Save, as I think there was an issue in a previous version which did this.

If updating from the Asset Store doesn't fix your issue, please could you PM me your invoice number so I can send you the update, just in case the wrong version is being distributed to you?

Note that you can also remove the Easy Save 3 Manager entirely by going to Window > Easy Save 3 > Settings and unchecking Auto Add Manager to Scene. You can then delete the managers from your scene. However, be aware that this will disable saving by reference, Auto Save and the prefab functionality.

All the best,
Joel @ Moodkie Interactive
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Re: Reference manager question

Post by teq »

So if i am only using ES3 for key/value database and not for scene gameobjects and prefabs, i can delete manager?
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Re: Reference manager question

Post by Joel »

If you are only saving value types, and are not using Auto Save, then you are safe to delete the manager.

All the best,
Joel @ Moodkie Interactive
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