'Add line break' added to PlayMaker ES2 Append Raw

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'Add line break' added to PlayMaker ES2 Append Raw

Post by Abelius »

Hi there,

I thought this could be useful for some PlayMaker users. A convenient way to add a line break to the Append Raw action. I use it to make Debug Logs, so it's nice to have each message in its own line.

Code: Select all

[ActionCategory("Easy Save 2")]
	public class AppendRaw : FsmStateAction
		[Tooltip("The raw string we want to append to a file.")]
		public FsmString saveValue;
        [Tooltip("Add a line break at the end of the string.")]
        public FsmBool addLineBreak = true;
        [Tooltip("The name or absolute path of the file we want to append our raw string to. If the file doesn't exist, it will be created.")]
		public FsmString filename = "defaultFile.txt";
		[Tooltip("This event is called if an error occurs.")]
		public FsmEvent ifError = null;

		public override void Reset()
			saveValue = null;
			base.Reset (); // Ensure that base.Reset() is called when done.

		public override void OnEnter()
                if (addLineBreak.Value)
                    ES2.AppendRaw(saveValue.Value + "\r\n", filename.Value);
                    base.OnEnter(); // Ensure that base.OnEnter() is called when done.
                    ES2.AppendRaw(saveValue.Value, filename.Value);
                    base.OnEnter(); // Ensure that base.OnEnter() is called when done.
			catch(System.Exception e)
				if(ifError != null)
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Re: 'Add line break' added to PlayMaker ES2 Append Raw

Post by Joel »

Many thanks for this, I'm sure it will come in useful to a lot of people!

All the best,
Joel @ Moodkie Interactive
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