Autosave prefab configuration not saving?

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Autosave prefab configuration not saving?

Post by irvin »

Sometimes when I change the config for my prefabs in the Auto Save tab of the Easy Save window i.e. checking/unchecking various components, it seems like it saves it, but then later the changes get lost. It seems kind of unpredictable when the changes will be saved or not so I'm wondering if there are some conditions that I'm not familiar with where the configuration might not be saved. Is there a file to manually edit/view to make sure the changes have been preserved? Thanks for your help.

edit: maybe worth noting I use prefab variants pretty extensively and have tried checking components for prefabs throughout the hierarchy, but for some variants the configuration saves and for others it does not.
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Re: Autosave prefab configuration not saving?

Post by Joel »

Hi there,

We use fairly standard code at our end when it comes to saving changes in the Auto Save window (we simply set the Components as dirty if changes are made), so this might indicate a bug at Unity's end, or another asset interfering. The intermittent nature of it would back this up.

We had a similar report a while back but we were never able to replicate it at our end. Just to check, is there any way you can reliably replicate this so we can see what is happening?

All the best,
Joel @ Moodkie Interactive
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Re: Autosave prefab configuration not saving?

Post by giltar »

Hey I was just going to post this:
"Hi, I had a prefab that has a component that was being saved properly. I added another component, I added it to the autosave in the prefab, save project (to save the settings of the project). Then I run automated playtest, it works fine. But after that the setting to save also the second component disappears."
I found out, but am not sure its a proper solution, that if I remove autosave from the whole prefab and set everything from ground again that it works again and does not have to be set up after every automated test.
What I noticed also is that when I operate with ES3 Custom types and add the in the manager, the chosen fields sometimes just dont save. I have to remove everything and try again. Im not sure how to describe the behaviour better. I will be taking closer look at it and try to be precise in the behaviour description. To be exact I have to add the whole thing exactly as described in the guide.
It looks like a small usability issue but can be a serious headache if I dont check twice it really works. Otherwise using ES3 is great and Im so very glad I have it!
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Re: Autosave prefab configuration not saving?

Post by giltar »

So no. Unfortunately nothing works for me. I set up the prefab. Sometimes it gets saved sometimes it doesnt. If it does, I save the whole project, enter playmode or run automated test and again. Its removed. I dont know what to do... Im using Unity 2022.1.14f1, my automated test changes scenes - it that helps
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Re: Autosave prefab configuration not saving?

Post by Joel »

Unfortunately it's difficult for us to understand what is happening without being able to replicate this.

If you private message me your invoice number I can send over a version which uses a different editor serialisation API to see if this resolves the issue.

All the best,
Joel @ Moodkie Interactive
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Re: Autosave prefab configuration not saving?

Post by irvin »

I ended up upgrading from 2020 to 2021, but was still seeing inconsistent saving behavior I couldn't reliably replicate. I'm still experimenting, but it seems like after resetting everything (disabling autosave on prefabs/removing all es3 related components) then enabling prefabs and only adding components one by one and restarting the editor after each add (i.e. check a single component in the ES3 autosave menu, manually saving in the editor, then restarting the editor) works consistently. It's tedious, but maybe worth trying if nothing else is working for you.

Edit: I also noticed when trying to remove/uncheck a component for a prefab, I could only get it to stay unchecked if I unchecked the components beneath it one by one, so maybe order has something to do with it. When I add components I went from top to bottom.
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Re: Autosave prefab configuration not saving?

Post by Joel »

Just out of interest, do you have any other assets installed which might change the way which the Editor or Unity's Editor serialisation would work?

All the best,
Joel @ Moodkie Interactive
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Re: Autosave prefab configuration not saving?

Post by irvin »

Thanks! I imported the package you sent via PM using the "Assets->Import Package->Custom Package" menu option, but not completely sure if that overwrote the existing installation of Easy Save.

Maybe worth noting for others the procedure I described earlier of adding one component at a time I thought was consistently working wasn't as reliable as I thought.

After using the new package (I think) I was able to eventually get all the components on all the prefabs I wanted checked in the configuration, but did still have some issues with resetting.

I'm not sure how to check if any of the other assets I'm using would impact serialization, but the only thing I think might would be the Rider package maybe? The other things I'm using are MRTK and Oculus (virtual reality functionality) and a VR keyboard called VRKeys.
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Re: Autosave prefab configuration not saving?

Post by Joel »

Hi there,

Thanks for the information, we'll try to see if there's other avenues we can explore.

We've not changed the way in which Auto Save works in quite a long time, but we've only just started getting reports of things not being saved, which might indicate that it's an issue with particular versions of Unity. Would you be able to let me know what version of Unity you are using?

All the best,
Joel @ Moodkie Interactive
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Re: Autosave prefab configuration not saving?

Post by irvin »

Sure, I was originally on 2020.3.25f1 then upgraded to 2021.3.9f1 and still had issues saving, although at this point I think I have all the components I need selected so I should be able to move on. Good luck and thanks for your help!
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