Found saves not being "saved" over different runs

Easy Save 2 has been replaced by Easy Save 3, so is no longer supported.
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Found saves not being "saved" over different runs

Post by Vaupell »

Just got ES2 and made a small test project to learn the ways ES2.

Been using it with

- playMaker (ofcourse) ;)

edited the small scene to experiment, and made it so i save the players "x,y,z, and rotation"
also made it possible to load the current save, AND also possible to just load the saved items and display them on screen.

Link -

However, I have also noticed the saves are not really stored across sessions.
My goal is

When i Hit save, it saves the things i want it to save.
then close the app, and when i hit load it loads what i saved.

Right now save and load works fine, but only pr sessions.
Ofcourse i havent made a "complete build" with this test, but i think it would work the same when running in unity.

Any ideas where i should start trouble shooting ?

Platform is windows 8.1
Last edited by Vaupell on Mon Jan 06, 2014 2:36 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Found saves not being "saved" over different runs

Post by Joel »

Hi there,

Could you take some screenshots of your saving and loading actions so we can see what settings you're using.

Also before loading, you should call the 'Exists' action, otherwise it will fail if there is no data to load.

(As mentioned in our email, we won't be able to respond until the next working day)

All the best,
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Re: Found saves not being "saved" over different runs

Post by Vaupell »

Save action - from getting the info in the state above. -
That img, also shows the easy save gameobject in the scene.

Link - (images dosent fit the forum) -

clearly the loading works, because it's grapping the info and putting it onto the GUI -
samce image as in first post - but with GUI Link -

anyway here are the loading sequence

1) check if exist

2) load into var

3) use the var

However, I'm suspecting it's not actually saving or loading "anything" I'm just transferring the var directly and is why it only works pr session.
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Re: Found saves not being "saved" over different runs

Post by Joel »

Hi there,

Could I confirm that you're using the latest version of Easy Save, and that you're using the latest version of the Playmaker action provided with Easy Save?

There was a bug in an earlier version where variables weren't being assigned to in Playmaker and I have a feeling it could be related to the same bug.

If you've updated Easy Save and the action, could you let us know what version of Unity you're using? Then we can have a go at replicating the problem ourselves.

All the best,
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Re: Found saves not being "saved" over different runs

Post by Vaupell »

I just re-checked in the asset store,
redownloaded "just in case"
also re-unzipped and moved playMaker file to the playmaker actions folder


still the same problem.
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Moodkie Staff
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Re: Found saves not being "saved" over different runs

Post by Joel »

Hi there,

Could you let us know what version of Unity you're using? Then we can have a go at replicating the problem ourselves.

Also could you run the code again and then get the contents of the Editor log file using the instructions at ... Files.html so we can see if anything relevant has been thrown.

All the best,