Uploading and Downloading Prefabs Instantiated at Runtime

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Uploading and Downloading Prefabs Instantiated at Runtime

Post by Joel »

This example is based on the Saving and Loading Prefabs Instantiated at Runtime example, so it is recommended that you familiarise yourself with this example first.

Instead of having the ES3CloudPrefabManagers save their own state, we instead create an ES3CloudManager which calls the Save() and Load() methods on the ES3CloudPrefabManagers, and Uploads and Downloads that data using ES3Cloud.

  • You will need to open the ES3CloudManager.cs file and replace the URL and API Key with those of your own server.
  • Easy Save should be installed in your project before importing this example. The example is located in Assets/Easy Save 3/Examples/.
  • All examples are only provided as an educational sample, and may need modification for your purposes. They are provided without warranty.

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using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;

public class ES3CloudManager : MonoBehaviour 
	// The Text of the "Save and Upload" button, so we can use it to
	// show the upload status.
	public Text buttonText;

	// Replace these with your own URL and API Key, as provided when you set-up ES3Cloud:
	// https://docs.moodkie.com/easy-save-3/es3-guides/saving-loading-files-to-web-using-es3cloud/
	private string url = "http://mysite.com/ES3Cloud.php";
	private string apiKey = "myAPIKey";

	 * This is called when the scene first loads.
	 * We'll use this to download our file from the server if it exists.
	IEnumerator Start()
		// Create an ES3Cloud object with our URL and API key.
		var cloud = new ES3Cloud (url, apiKey);
		yield return StartCoroutine(cloud.DownloadFile());
		// Now check that no errors occurred.
			// If the error code is 3, this means there was no data to download on the server.
			// In this case, we shouldn't throw an error and shouldn't try to load any data.
			if(cloud.errorCode == 3)
				yield break;

		// Now get all of our Prefab Managers and get them to load their prefabs.
		var prefabMgrs = FindObjectsOfType<ES3CloudPrefabManager>();
		foreach (var prefabMgr in prefabMgrs)

	 *  We call this when we want to upload our data.
	 * 	This starts the coroutine which uploads the file to the server.
	public void SaveAndUpload()

	IEnumerator UploadFile()
		// Get all of our Prefab Managers and get them to save their prefabs locally.
		var prefabMgrs = FindObjectsOfType<ES3CloudPrefabManager>();
		foreach (var prefabMgr in prefabMgrs)

		// If there's no data to upload, do nothing.
			yield break;

		// Create an ES3Cloud object with our URL and API key.
		var cloud = new ES3Cloud(url, apiKey);

		// Change the button text to show we're uploading.
		buttonText.text = "Uploading...";

		// Upload the default file to the server.
		yield return StartCoroutine(cloud.UploadFile());
		// Now check that no errors occurred.
			buttonText.text = "Error!";
			// Now change the button to show that the data has been uploaded successfully.
			buttonText.text = "Uploaded!";
Upload and Download Prefabs Instantiated at Runtime with ES3Cloud.unitypackage
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Joel @ Moodkie Interactive
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